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Parents and Students


Save Money and Time!

     Get a head start with meeting high school     

     graduation requirements and free college

     courses, all expenses paid!


Stand out from the rest!

     Allow us to help you discover your interest and

     grow your passion as you prepare for your next

     academic phase!


Social-Emotional-Academic Support

     Get the educational support that meets your

     needs and sets you on a path for academic     



Working From Home


Connect with an advisor to receive assistance creating a personalized academic plan for your student. Our advisors are here to provide support with the development of a course of action best fit to help launch your student towards academic success.  





Having a work-life balance is essential for children today! Schedule a weekly meeting with one of our skilled Educational Coaches who will work with you and your student to set goals that address academic needs and support social-emotional well-being. 

Online meeting

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